Macaws parrots for Sale

Macaws parrots for sale
Macaws parrots are the colorful members of the parrot family. They’re appropriately called winged rainbows – possessing powerful large beaks and long tails. They’re considered the essential birds among the Parrots, long and wingspan. The birds flaunt a singular blend of beauty, intelligence, curiosity, and other engaging traits that’s almost legendary.
Size: 20 – 42 inches
Life Expectancy: 30 – 80 years
Large, dark beaks and comparatively hairless, light-colored, medial facial areas distinguish macaws. Sometimes, the facial patch is smaller in some species and limited to a yellow patch around the eyes and a second patch near the beak base within the Hyacinth Macaw members.

It’s been documented that a Macaw’s facial feathers are unique to a person’s fingerprint. They’re typically brightly colored and long tails.

Macaws parrots are playful and active and have an exuberant personality to travel alongside their size. This makes them a challenging pet.

They’re also very affectionate and need a real deal of your time and a spotlight from their owners to be happy. The right sort of wooden toys or plain untreated chunks of wood to chew on should be provided. Toys meant to be taken apart to urge at a treat also are good choices, as are hanging toys and toys to hop on as long as they’re safe.

They tend to be loud: within the wild, their voices got to carry over long distances. This makes macaws very demanding birds keep as household pets. Additional complications arise from macaws’ intelligence levels, and negative responses to stimuli people may use on domestic pets, like punishment.

We have ten different macaws we hand raised and tamed in Our breeding program, each with its own unique needs and quirks. We hand raise and tame macaws for sale, including Blue and Gold Macaws, Blue Throat Macaws, Green Wing Macaws, Hahns Macaws, Hyacinth Macaws, Red Front Macaws, Illigers Macaw, Military Macaw, Catalina Macaws, Scarlet Macaw, Severe Macaw, Yellow Collared Macaw, Noble Macaw.
Native Region / Natural Habitat
Macaws are beautiful, brilliantly colored members of the parrot family—adaptations for the Rain Forest. Many macaws have vibrant plumage. The coloring is suited to life in Central and South American rain forests, with green canopies and colorful fruits and flowers.
Macaws are playful and active and have an exuberant personality to travel alongside their size. This makes them a really challenging pet. They’re also very affectionate and successively, require an honest deal of your time and a spotlight from their owners to be happy. A good sort of wooden toys or plain untreated chunks of wood to chew on should be provided. Toys meant to be taken apart to urge at a treat also are good choices, as are hanging toys and toys to hop on as long as they’re safe.

Close bonding with the owner can only be possible if the Macaw pet is given proper training, diet, and required freedom from their cage. Macaws need much attention from their owners. Though not an excessive amount of a talkative nature, Macaws are often awfully loud.
Care & Feeding Macaws
A macaw needs a cage tall enough to stop its tail feathers from hitting the cage bottom, causing the tail feathers to bend or break. Overall, a macaw needs a way larger cage and play stand than other parrot species, so a possible owner should consider space considerations. Companion macaws tend to possess a way easier life than their wild counterparts.

What pointers should I remember about feeding my macaw?

Continuously monitor the quantity of food eaten a day by each bird.

Offer water a day.

Offer a spread of fresh foods a day.

Offer fresh fruits and vegetables a day.

Clean all food and water dishes daily.
Macaws need an outsized, strong cage, so be prepared to form a big investment. The cage shape is additionally essential for the bird. Square or rectangular cages are more appropriate for parrots. Before buying the cage, do a radical checking of the safety mechanism. An easy latch is not any challenge for a Macaw. The cage must be strong enough to face up to its significant beak strength of Macaws. A chrome steel cage may be a good investment.

A minimum of 24″ W x 24″ H x 18″ D for smaller Macaws

A minimum of 5 ft W x 6 ft H x 3 ft D for larger Macaws

Bar spacing: less than 4″ apart

Structural wire a minimum of 3 mm thick


Macaws eat various seeds, nuts, fruits, berries, and vegetation like leaf buds within the wild. A better level of fat seems to be specifically crucial, surely macaws like the Hyacinth Macaw.
Get a Macaw
Every hand-fed baby Macaws for sale is weaned onto a high variety diet. They’re weaned onto fruits and veggies, a soak and sprout mix we make here within the store, an excellent sort of seeds that we also make here within the store, and naturally colored pellets. If you’ve got questions regarding these Macaws, please give us a call! For more pictures, videos, and knowledge

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